
BabyGurl - 2005-03-17 07:35
Theme works fine, but Verdana is not showing up

'); document.write('

BabyGurl - 2005-03-17 07:30
I put the same thing into the \"head part of the url but i still have same style of text. I can\'t get it to change to Verdana. :(

'); document.write('

EMERSON - 2004-05-26 02:27
thanks mate! its workin now! you\'re a genius :)

'); document.write('

xo - 2004-05-20 14:01
To change the font to verdana, you could put the following into the \"head\" part of your HTML:

<style type=\"text/css\">
#shoutmaru { font-family:verdana }

There are other ways, too, but this one is simple if you have simple HTML.

'); document.write('

emerson - 2004-05-19 01:11
yeah this really rocks! just a question, how can i change the font to verdana, it always show times new roman, a not so very good font for me!

i\'m just 4yrs old!

'); document.write('

galkin - 2004-03-02 14:07
this rocks

'); document.write(''); document.write('
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'); document.write('
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